Category: Hop Varieties

Bittering vs Aroma Hops

Humans have been brewing beer for thousands of years, but the use of hops is a relatively new development. The first recorded uses of hops began to show up in significant numbers in the monastic…

All About Tahoma Hops

A relative newcomer on the hop stage, Tahoma was released by Washington State University and the USDA in 2013. This graceful daughter of Glacier retains its parent’s characteristically low cohumulone levels, carrying on the family tradition of combining light flavor and texture…

All About Nugget Hops

Known as one of the US’s earliest “super-alpha,” Nugget was released from the USDA breeding program in 1983. Although originally developed as a bittering hop, nugget hops have found their place as a dual-purpose variety…

All About Cascade Hops

Cascade hops are one of the most popular hop varieties used by craft brewers. It was first released in 1972 by Oregon State University and has been credited for starting the craft brew craze in…

New 2018 Hops at Buck Creek Hops

As our hops farm grows, so do the number of hop varieties we have for sale. We’re proud to announce our 2018 hops include 5 new varieties! We’re excited to be able to offer you…